Thought I'd try and experiment with some photos using my telephoto lens on the camera.
The camera is a Canon EOS 1000D. Set to aperture override, and set to max aperture to get the max depth of field possible. The actual setting varies automatically depending on the focal length the zoom is set at, but will set itself at the highest possible for the applicable focal length of the zoom.. They are all time exposures (auto determined by the camera) between 4 and 10 seconds due to the high aperture setting. ISO setting at 100. The camera's JPG quality was set to "medium". 5.3M (2816 * 1880).
I reckon they come up pretty OK. Well, good enough for a blog anyway. One day I might be famous and good enough to have Garahbara featured in AMRM. :)
NSWGR Candy 42 Class 42217 is a modified Lima, original motor, TCS T3 decoder, fibre optic headlights and marker lights, replacement pilot & Kadees, and modified pickups. The trailing HLX van is semi-permanently coupled with additional pickups wired to the first bogie. I can unplug it if necessary. This really solves the Lima pickup problems. :) I can highly recommend TCS decoders for Lima motors. The back EMF in them is tops. I'll try and put a video up in my next blog of Lima motor performance with TCS decoders.
If you hover your mouse over each pic, and click, you'll get a full size image of the pic.
NSWGR Candy 42 Class 42217 |
NSWGR Candy 42 Class 42217 |
NSWGR Candy 42 Class 42217 |
NSWGR Candy 42 Class 42217 |
NSWGR 45 Class 4512 is an AR Kits RTR with fibre optic lights and weathered lightly. The trailing NSWGR 48 class 4870 is an original Powerline ANR green 48 class that I hand/brush painted and weathered many years ago. Thought it looked pretty good until I got an airbrush! Both have NCE D13 SR decoder rubbish in them (no back EMF) and DCC consisted together. Bit of decoder tweaking and they run quite well together, considering the different motors, however low speed control is non-existent with those NCE decoders, so it's nothing til you get to about speed step 30 then WOOOSH.... off they go. Same sorta thing coming to a stop. Forget anything below about speed step 30. But they run happily round and round and round and round and....... round and round........ and then round and round some more.
NSWGR 45 CLass 4512 and NSWGR 48 Class 4870 |
NSWGR 45 CLass 4512 and NSWGR 48 Class 4870 |
NSWGR 45 CLass 4512 and NSWGR 48 Class 4870 |
V/Line B Class B80 is also a modified Lima. Original motor, TCS T3 decoder, fibre optic headlights and marker lights, replacement pilots and Kadees, Flushglaze windows and modified pickups. Again, the trailing D van has the first bogie wired as additional pickups. If you look closely, you can see the wired coupling between the two. The "plugs" are Veroboard integrated circuit/processor strip plugs cut off as single plugs, and wired/soldered accordingly. This allows me to unplug the trailing van if needed. This will probably be my next weathering task/experiment.
V/Line B Class B80 |
V/Line B Class B80 |
VR Blue & Gold B Class B60 is a stock standard Auscision B Class with appropriate Tsunami sound DCC decoder. Moves off a bit quick at speed step 1 for my liking but not overwhelmingly. No amount of tweaking seems to solve it. Can get a bomby Lima motor to move off at a slower crawl at speed step 1 with TCS decoders.
VR B Class B60 |
VR B Class B60 |
VR B Class B60 |
And last but not least, Garahbara's loco shed. The shed and retaining wall are Scalescenes kits (downloaded and printed). And yes. My Auscision V/Line B class also has the side grills coming off.
Garahbara Loco Shed |
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